In person - Make giving part of your Sunday morning worship experience by placing your tithe (in check or money form) in the Tithe and Offering box located in the Sanctuary foyer.
You can pick up a box of tithe envelopes in the sanctuary foyer.
A listing is provided to write your name beside the corresponding envelope number as it will be specific to you.
By mail - Simply mail your check to the church office. Be sure to make a note in the memo line what it's for. This method may be suitable for those physically unable to attend in person, yet still participate with tithes and offerings.
Electronic - All you need is access to the internet where you have options of one-time or recurring giving through a safe and secure site. You can set the frequency and amounts as you desire.
In whatever ways you choose, writing a check, electronic or mail in, be mindful to pray over your tithe and offering. Not sure how? Consider these thoughts:
- Lord, everything I have is from you and given to me for your glory, nothing do I have is mine
- Lord, tithing and giving of first fruits is an act of my obedience
- It is with a joyful heart that I sow this seed into the Kingdom
- As with the feeding of the 5,000, even a little is multiplied for the glory of God
- As one person, I may not be able to touch all of the ministries of the church, but this seed can. Therefore, I send it off to do Your Will in the lives it touches
- Father, because You gave, I give and praise You in this act of giving
Most methods are tracked for your year-end tax return files and the statement is mailed to members using the address we have on file.
If you have any questions, please call Martha Wilkerson.