Tithe means "one tenth" and was first used in the Bible as giving of one's agricultural income to the Lord as an expression of thanks and dedication. Examples are Deuteronomy 14:22, Malachi 3:10, Leviticus 27:30 and Proverbs 3:9. It was an act of worship and trust, knowing the source of all they had was from the Lord their God.
Though the New Testament does not mention "tithe", giving one-tenth of income is the model most Christians follow today. Jesus taught giving is related to the heart, a call of obedience to God. Matthew 6:33 and Luke 6:38 tells us that in this obedience, God promises to meet our needs and bless us to be a blessing to others. When we give our tithe, we partake in spreading the Good News of salvation and deepen our faith and relationship to Jesus.
Tithes support those called to ministry and provide the day to day needs to reach the community as a house of worship.
The book of Leviticus holds the five types of offerings that in today's world are no longer required; it was law in the Old Testament. Jesus came to provide a new Covenant, His blood covenant, so we wouldn't have to offer sacrifices. Today, the meaning of offering refers to gifts over and above the tithe; voluntary donations, or charity, in helping meet needs of others. These are often called benevolent funds.
Jesus is looking for our obedience and submission. You have opportunity to join in God's mission of reaching the world and helping those in need through giving of your first fruits, tithes and offerings.